Thursday, January 30, 2014

Collective Kaiju

Hey there! Hope everyone had a great week last week, a wonderful weekend, and are having a fantastic week this week. I had a fabulous time at the SDSU Writers' Conference. But before I tell you about that, there's LOTS of exciting things going on, so let's get to them!

First up, I'm super excited to share a Kaiju-Level Big Reveal: the cover for Alien Collective! Check it out over at my Premieres page! And remember, it's never too early to pre-order, either online or from your favorite bookstore!

After that, The Writer Librarian is talking about Alien Research, and Feeling Fictional, Bring on the Books, and Open Book Society all have new reviews of the bookie wookie up as well.

The SDSU Writers' Conference was great. In addition to getting to spend tons of time with the Awesome Editor, I also got to run the yap with the fantastic and talented Susan Squires, Jennifer Ashley, Erin Quinn, and Mark A. Clements, and hang out with authors Shelley Coriell, Jeff Mariotte, Henry Herz, and Lisanne Norman. All this PLUS I got to spend time with several Members of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing including Glen, Allison, Joseph, and Mariann. All while celebrating my birthday in style. It was a fantastic weekend, and if you're an aspiring author or one on the brink, I can't recommend this conference highly enough.

Of course, there was more to the trip than just the conference. For all that plus many things geeky and nerdy, check out the latest edition of More Geek Than Gay either in audio or on YouTube. Then, for a little retro (as in earlier this month) fun, check out Blogging With Badger and his brush with fame via The Dish -- read all the way to the end for the big reveal!

Speaking of reveals, the ebook version of Kaiju Rising is out to the Kickstarter backers, as is the final cover for the physical books! Head over to SF Signal to get a bigger look, and get ready to read my short story, "With Bright Shining Faces" by moi writing as J.C. Koch along with a ton of other awesome shorts soon, very soon. (Perhaps sooner than you think...)

Speaking of Kickstarter anthologies (oh, yes we were), there's still time to get in on Unidentified Funny Objects 3. And there are still a couple of tuckerizations of mine left, so if you want to be immortalized in some way in the story I'll be writing for this anthology, or just see what I and all the other awesome authors involved do with it, then head on over and fund as you're able.

Speaking of short stories (yes, we definitely were), I'm doing several for Penumbra eZine this year. And why do you care, aside from the fact that it's moi writing them? You care because each and every one of them will be set in the Alien series universe. That's right -- the Clockwork Universe anthology has sparked a trend! AND, the first one, coming out in May (just like Clockwork Universe, and Alien Collective), will be something you've all been waiting for -- how Reader met Gower. I know! It's too happy to be true! But wait! There's more!

Each month Penumbra offers you fantastic fiction on a theme. And right now, they're offering you The Gini Special -- instead of paying $3.99 an issue, you'll get a year's subscription for just $24.00; that's half price. But there's more! You'll also get the Best of Penumbra 2012 AND 2013. That's a full year's subscription for half price plus two free Best Of collections and three Alien series shorts that will only be available in long as you use this coupon code (exactly as shown here) when you order: 2014Gini  
This offer is good only through August 1, 2014, so don't miss out and get your subscription going today!

Last but in no way least, a reminder that I'll be heading to Daytona Beach, FL and Coastal Magic Con in a week. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! If you haven't registered but still want to go, send me an email, and I'll give you the legal "back door" into registration.

That's it for today, but as always, there's more on the way. So enjoy the downward slide towards the weekend, those who watch enjoy the Superbowl and its commercials, and let's all be readers out there! Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!


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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Conning For Fun, Frolic, and Education

Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone had a great week last week, an even better weekend, and that this week is going swimmingly. Before and after DarkCon (which was made of awesome!) I've been busy with edits and related activities around Alien Collective, and getting Universal Alien started (Standard Operating Reminder: It's never, EVER, too early to pre-order!), but before I head off for the SDSU Writers' Conference, I wanted to catch you up on all that's been and is going on.

First off, I'm in a new Kickstarter campaign, UFO3 -- Unidentified Funny Objects 3. AND, as has become my standard, there are three tuckerizations up for grabs. (Note: at this time, not sure if this short is going to be in the Alien universe, the Alexander Outland universe, the Necropolis Enforcement Files universe, or an entirely standalone story. It may depend on whose names are used...) So check it out, and please support if you're able!

Speaking of DarkCon (I was earlier, trust me), it was incredibly fun. Probably the most fun I've had a con ever, and that's saying a lot. The Firefly vs. Dr. Who Smackdown and Evening Erotica/The Euphemism Game were highlights, but really, everything I did at DarkCon was fun, interesting, cool, or all three. And the end of con Pajama Party was DA BOMB. This con is only done once every other year, so I suggest making plans now to be here in 2016, because you'll be glad you did.

In addition to getting to panel with the wonderful Michael Stackpole, Marcy Rockwell, T.M. Williams, T.L. Smith, and Chris Swanson, I got to hang with some fantastic members of the Alien Collective, all in Very Good Standing -- Andrea and Duncan Rittschof, Hal and Dee Astell, Joseph Gaxiola and Edward Pulley, Brad Jensen, Javier, Rob Palsma, and, coming from very far away, Colette Chmiel, Missy Katano, Paul Sparks, Terry Lopez, and Betty Russell, plus many more who were both working and attending the con. Many thanks to Hal and Edward for their fantastic moderating, too! Made new friends, had a blast with old ones, got to snuggle up to Adrian Paul (who is NOT aging...seriously, this dude is clearly a vampire, and a hot, nice, charming one, at that), and generally had the best time. DarkCon for the win!

But don't just take my word for it. Check out More Geek Than Gay either via audio or YouTube for a full conference recap, complete with clips. These guys were taking care of my table during the con, so trust me, they have lots of scoop!

Speaking of audio things you may have missed, I was interviewed by the Blog Goddess last week. Check out the replay -- there were some great questions asked by the Goddess and from those phoning in.

Speaking of cons, it's not too late to get down to Daytona Beach February 6-9 for Coastal Magic. TONS of UF/PNR/SFR & other awesome authors will be there, including moi. If you want to go but missed the registration deadline, drop me a note -- I know a (legal) "back door" in for registration and we'll get you set up and all in! It's going to be tons of fun, including the Dress As Your Character party, where I will be, yes, going as Kitty.

Speaking of interviews, check out the latest one from the Nameless Zine featuring my BFF, awesome author Marsheila Rockwell.

Then, see what A Buckeye Girl Reads thought of Alien Research. And stop by and see what Larissa's Bookish Life chose as her favorite book covers of 2013.

Speaking again of cons, the Tucson Festival of Books is right around the corner, March 15-16. I've currently got 3 panels, 4 signings, and I'll be in the Arizona Dreamin' booth again all the rest of the time, so there will be a ton of chances to see the me there. It's the 4th largest book fair in the country, and brings in a fantastic number of authors, so be sure to make plans to attend!

More news is on the way once I get back from San Diego. Until then, enjoy the downward slide to the weekend, and let's be readers out there. Peace out my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!


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Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014's Starting Off Busy

Happy New Year! I know, that was so last week ago, right? However, as long as it's January, it's still new in my book. And speaking of my books, there's much going on, so let's get caught up, shall we? We shall.

First, a reminder that I'll be the Local Author Guest of Honor at DarkCon this weekend. For those dropping by, or still considering dropping by, here's my schedule: 
VIP Party & Raffle, Thursday 6p-10p, DarkSuite room #1014
Grand Opening Gala, Thursday, 9pm – ??, Yuma 
Kaffee Klatsche, Friday 3p-4p, Terrace
Self-Publishing Tips from the Trenches, Friday 5p-6p, Sagebrush
SF vs. Fantasy in Literature,Friday 6p-7p, Yuma
VIP Brunch, Saturday, 11a-12:30p, Yuma
Autographing, Saturday, 1p-2p, Merchant’s Room, my table
Kaffee Klatsche, Saturday, 3p-4p, Terrace
Dr. Who vs. Serenity Smackdown, Saturday, 4p-6p, Sagebrush
Evening Erotica w/Gini & Tina, Saturday, 6p-8p, Sagebrush
Aliens Among Us, Sunday 10a-11a, Sagebrush
Autographing, Sunday, 11a-Noon, Foyer
Worlds of Gini Koch, Sunday, Noon-1:30p, Sagebrush
Writing Different Lengths in Multiple Genres, Sunday 1:30p-2:30p, Sagebrush

I will also have a table in the Merchant's Room: 
Friday, 10a-7p
Saturday, 10a-7p
Sunday, 10a-4p

Right after DarkCon I head to San Diego for the SDSU Writers' Conference, January 24-26. I'll be on these panels -- all on Saturday, January 25th (happy birthday to me! LOL), times and rooms still TBD:
Science Fiction/Fantasy--To Infinity and Beyond
The Hybrid Author--Publishing in Both Traditional and Indy Arenas
Speculative Fiction: The Weird, The Wild and the Scare-You-to-Death

Once I'm back from that, I head out again in February to Coastal Magic, Feb. 6-9; Tucson Festival of Books, Mar. 15-16; my Mini Book Tour for the release of Alien Collective, most dates TBD but I'll be at Mysterious Galaxy San Diego on Saturday, May 10 for their 21st Annual Birthday Bash, and at Mysterious Galaxy Redondo Beach doing a signing at 7:30 on Monday, May 12, for sure; Phoenix Comicon, June 5-8; and San Diego Comic-Con, July 23-27. So far.

Now, on to some things that don't require travel! See what Bibliognome, Gizmo's Reviews, and Seeing Night Reviews thought of Alien Research. Then see what klondykewriter thought of Touched by an Alien.

Then check out what Larissa's Bookish Life thinks are the best books of 2013. And see which are the top 10 books that Gizmo's Reviews wishes Santa had brought her.

That's it for today, but as always, more's on the way. See some of you at DarkCon this weekend. The rest of you enjoy the downward slide towards the weekend, and let's be readers out there! Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!


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